What causes a delayed delivery?
The status of an order will not be set as shipped until its shipping label has been generated, affixed to the package, or accepted by the carrier. The usual shipping time frame will apply as soon as your order is marked as shipped (Priority delivery: 4 business days, Standard delivery: 4-8 business days, International Guaranteed Shipping: 7-15 business days) .
Here are some possible cases where delays occur:
Return to sender, Insufficient Address, Failed delivery attempts – Couriers make 2 or 3 attempts to deliver your package. If you miss your package, contact the courier or shipping provider ASAP -- they’ll usually resend your package the next working day, or ask you to pick it up at their offices. If it is returned to us, simply CONTACT US, so we can send it back to you.
Custom Clearance – Your tracking status will be updated after your package has been cleared and released. For more information about your delivery, you can also contact your local post office or delivery service provider.
Holidays – Keep in mind that sudden or unexpected increases in delivery volume is most common during the holiday season. Simply follow up with your local post office to track down your package.
Weather conditions – Bad weather can slow down the transit and cause delays. Please keep track of your order.
Important Reminder: Your order is a priority, but due to holiday peak season and increase in order volume, we may encounter some delays on your order shipment. Tracking numbers will be available as soon as it is shipped.